A large white building with a sign reading "Fountain Beach" above the door stands behind a swimming pool in this 5-1/4" x 3" black and white photograph. The pool contains a diving platform and fountain with water running from it. There are people swimming in the pool and standing on the diving platform, and one man stands at the pool's edge on the right side of the photograph. Printed on the photograph is: Fountain Beach, Fairmont, Nebr.
The owner of the swimming pool was Ed Hall. In 1919, he built the Fountain Beach swimming pool at 709 4th Avenue. It was 125 x 180 feet with a bottom of crushed rock. It had a water circulating system connected with a artistic fountain which justified its name. Dances were held in the Fountain Beach Pavilion on Wednesday and Saturday during swimming season. The pools closed in 1929 after a drowning