Three story, brick Ruwe Hotel at 251 North Main Street with cast iron balcony railings and supports, a flag pole, observations tower, galvanized metal cornice work which denotes the date "1886" and "Wm. Ruwe's Hotel. The balconies host numerous guests and spectators while horse drawn buses and hacks, or carriages, are ready and waiting on dirt streets. Sapling trees, a telephone pole, and a wooden barber pole (on the corner) are also seen. Barely discernable on the far left is a "cigar store Indian" type carved figure in front of the tiny unidentified shop. Flags are also suspended from railings.
The hotel was under construction from 1886-1887 and finally opened in the spring of 1887 despite the 1886 date on the building. It included a 44'x60' basement and had a frame wing of 28'x60'. It was reported in 1887 to have hot and cold running water, gas lighting, and two fire escapes. It was built on the site of the original Fremont House. It was known as the Ruwe Hotel until 1898 when it became the Mechanics Hotel, and was renamed the Baltimore in 1903.